Interesting Facts About Most Girls
The vagina keeps itself clean and healthy by constantly producing mucus which turns white when it’s exposed to the air. Discharge will begin to appear some time before your first period begins.
The average woman has about 400-500 periods in her lifetime. It takes about 2-3 years for periods to become regular.
Cramps and painful periods may be caused by low calcium and magnesium levels. Avoid excessive sugar, caffeine, and processed foods.
You get cramps when your uterus contracts (squeezes) slightly to help get rid of most of its lining. It is caused by a hormone called prostaglandin that is made in the muscle of the uterus. Ibuprofen may relieve cramps and heavy bleeding.
Estrogen causes the ovaries to ripen. Progesterone causes the lining of the uterus to thicken.
The usual amount of blood lost during a period is between six and twelve teaspoons (30-60 ml).
Menstrual flow consists of 35% blood combined with endometrial tissue, and other natural vaginal and cervical secretions.
The average time from one period to the next is 28 days. It can vary between 21-36 days depending on the person.
PMS symptoms could include: breast tenderness, feeling swollen or bloated, change in appetite, headaches, acne or skin rash, constipation or diarrhea, abdominal cramps, feeling sad/tired/irritable or clumsy.
The fallopian tubes are about 10 cm long. The egg travels from the ovary to the uterus along these tubes.
Ovary is about the size of a walnut/olive. The uterus is about the size of a pear/clenched fist.
Girls are born with about 1,000, 000 eggs.
It takes 3-5 years from the onset of puberty for breasts to grow to their full size. Breasts often grow at different times and will unlikely be the same size at the end of puberty. This is normal.
Most girls gain between 40-50 pounds during puberty. Weight gain is a healthy part of puberty. As we become taller and as we begin to menstruate, our bodies need more weight to keep us healthy and strong.

Interesting Facts About Most Boys
On average, boys start going through puberty at age 11.
Erections are the body’s way of practicing for reproduction.
Once puberty starts, testicles produce 85 million sperm per day per testicle. That’s about 90,000 sperm per minute.
When boys are 8 or 9 years old, their testicles begin to make sperm for practice.
Ejaculate is about one-three teaspoons of fluid (and contains ~250 million sperm).
It takes boys about three years after the onset of puberty to grow their testicles to adult size.
Between the ages of twelve and fourteen the scrotum grows bigger and turns a darkish red and the testicles start to produce testosterone, the male sex hormone, which makes the penis grow.
It takes eight to ten years after the onset of puberty to grow their penises to adult size. The penis grows longer first and then thickens. Exposure to media heightens the anxiety about penis size.
Many boys develop breasts during puberty (50%). They need to know that this is normal and that, when their rib cage grows to adult size, those little breasts will spread out and not be so noticeable.
Adam's apple - growth of the larynx
Men have nipples because during development, the embryo follows a female template until about 6 weeks. The male sex chromosomes kick in at this time.
Men often wake up in the morning with an erection. These erections are experienced in the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phase of sleep, which occurs more frequently just before waking up.
Wet dreams occur in about 1/3 of boys.
Jock itch is a scaly, itchy rash around the genitals. It is caused by a fungal infection due to accumulated sweat. To prevent, wash and dry genitals well.
Other Interesting Facts
Fraternal twins come from two separate ova and two separate sperm.
Identical twins or multiples happen when one sperm fertilizes an ovum and for some unknown reason, it splits into two or more equal parts.
There are two different kinds of sweat glands: eccrine (clear and odourless) and apocrine (milky colour with an odour when it comes into contact with bacteria on the skin). Apocrine glands only become active after puberty starts. Females have a lot more apocrine glands than males.
Sweat glands are everywhere on your body, except your lips and ears. Each person has about 2.5 million sweat glands. You have 250,00 sweat glands on one foot.
Deodorant masks the smell of body odour while antiperspirant reduces underarm wetness.
300+ vertebrate animals exhibit homosexual behavior (decreases hostility, creates alliances, population control).
Intersexed combinations:
Swyer Syndrome – male chromosomes with female genitals. 46 XY – The person is externally female with streak gonads, and left untreated, will not experience puberty. Such gonads are typically surgically removed and a typical medical treatment would include hormone replacement therapy with female hormones.
Chapelle Syndrome – female chromosome with male genitals – This syndrome occurs in approximately four or five in 100,000 individuals, making it less common than Klinefelter syndrome. Symptoms usually include small testes and subjects are invariably sterile.
Turner Syndrome XO Girls with Turner syndrome typically experience gonadal dysfunction (non-working ovaries), which results in amenorrhea (absence of menstrual cycle) and sterility.
XXY=Klinefetter’s most common sex chromosome disorder in males and the second most common condition caused by the presence of extra chromosomes. The condition exists in roughly 1 out of every 500-650 males but many of these people may not show symptoms.
During puberty, your skeletal mass (the weight of your skeleton), heart, lungs, liver, spleen, pancreas, glands, and sexual organs DOUBLE in size.
Condoms were invented by Julies Fromm nearly a century ago in Poland. Prior to the 19th century condoms were made of chemically treated linen and animal tissue. In the mid 19th century, condoms were made out of rubber and then in the early 20th century they were made out of latex.
Your skin makes up about 1/6 of your body weight. It is the largest organ in the body.
The timing of puberty depends on many factors: heredity, nutrition and physical activity.
Orgasms are intensely pleasurable feelings that come from muscle contractions in the genitals.