We are very excited to announce that we have been sponsored by the Sexual Wellness and Education Society of Campbell River for the second time to deliver the workshop "How to Talk to Children and Youth About Pornography". 450 people registered for the first workshop and 150 showed up to take part in the class.

Prior to COVID-19, according to a study done in 2018, teens were spending about 9 hours in a 24 hour time period on-line.
Isolation from peers and the inability to take part in many sports and activities has increased the time spent on-line by youth.
This topic must be addressed by parents/caregivers. Currently, the research suggests that 2/3 of children and youth have not received information about pornography from their parents/guardians. As trusted adults we must prepare ourselves for these conversations.
It is not about if children and youth will view pornography, it is about when.
Schools and families must intentionally filter out inappropriate sexual images so that they are not viewed by children. Nearly 50% of children who see pornography by accident say they can't forget that first image. According to a 2018 study in New Zealand, entitled Youth and Porn, 25% of kids under 12 have accessed pornography. The largest group of viewers of internet pornography is children 12-17. The biggest problem with our kids seeing pornography isn't that it's about sex, but that it's about unrealistic sex. Want to learn more about the long-term impacts of pornography viewing? Want to learn how to talk to children and youth? Then this workshop is for you!
Click here to register.
This workshop is for anyone who works with or raises kids ages 6-18.
Download our free resource, A Tool for Tough Conversations, on our Free Resources page. And for more information or guidance, check out our ecourse Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships in our Shop.