Nicolle Nattrass’s professional expertise is a result of her distinct and unique careers in Counseling, Theatre, Writing and Teaching. She is a Certified Addiction Counselor CAC II (#1442-07) and BFA graduate from University of Victoria in Theatre. Proud to be part of the IAJW Journal Council with the International Association for Journaling Writing, Nicolle is also a Jessie Award nominated actress (CAEA), playwright (PGC), proud contributing author of Transformational Journaling for Coaches & Clients: The Complete Guide to the Benefits of Personal Writing by Eric Maisel and creator of 4 Creative Journaling programs. Nicolle is also co-founder and facilitator of Live Your Best Story, a transformational weekend retreat held at locations around the globe. A dedicated counselor and consultant in personal and professional creative self-care, Nicolle lives with her family in a small community by the sea on Vancouver Island, British Columbia BC.
NICOLLE’S NEW GUIDEBOOK – Just the Two of Us (A Soft Place for Tender Hearts to Land)
Writing this guide has been in the back of Nicolle’s mind since 2017 but when Covid-19 hit, she felt compelled to revisit the idea. She decided to write a sample chapter as soon as possible to release to those in her circle, personally and professionally, with the hope of being able to reach and help children.

The response from the shared sample chapter was extremely positive. Within a few days of releasing she received this email:
“I am very grateful for the gift of this new tool Nicolle. All this to say, a form of journaling has taken root in our house. Attached is an image my son, Gabe, created from a week ago today (the “Virus” – just in case you don’t recognize it). Thank you so much for your work to create this guide.” - Alyssa M.
A tender-hearted guide on how to use Creative Journaling as a key recovery tool to help children (age 4 and up) to connect and process stress, anxiety, trauma. A trauma-informed approach to using Creative Journaling as a soft place to land when feelings are too much, and words are not enough.
This guide would be ideal for teachers, (foster) parents, E.A.’s, grand-parents raising grand-children and counsellors.
If you are interested in purchasing this guide for $19.00, click here
Download our free resource Tips for Parents. And for more information or guidance, check out our course Creating a Culture of Childhood Protection in our Shop.