When pornography viewing becomes chronic and compulsive, addiction may be the result. Pornography use on many levels has become acceptable, even preferential.

When children are unmonitored and unsupervised online, they will view pornography. It is a given.
Unfortunately, 2/3 of parents do not protect kids online. We need to monitor use as well as providing filters on the devices a child is using.
Pornography is not often talked about at home. When something is not talked about it becomes secretive. When a child sees pornography, they are unlikely to report to their parents unless prior conversations have been had. They are fearful of losing screen time. As adults, when we are saying nothing, we are actually endorsing the use of pornography.
Kids search out pornography and then view it to be accepted by their peers. Here are some facts you may not be aware of:
1. There is an increase in child on child sexual harm due to early exposure to pornography. Kids mimic and act out what they see with siblings and friends. This is the most common and most under-reported sexual abuse.
2. 11-15-year-old boys are the most common perpetrators of child on child sexual harm.
3. 45-60% of sexual harm is done by children to other children.
4. Kids who see pornography are victims as they often see it due to pop-ups, unintended searches and forced viewing from a peer.
5. Kids who view porn are more likely to engage in sexting.
6. Unfortunately, naked selfies have become a cultural norm. Boys are 4 times more likely to ask a girl for a nude photo.
7. Snap Chat/Instagram can create a child who is a narcissistic voyeur of their own body.
8. Sexting seems to be the new way of flirting as it gets the child/youth the attention they are looking for. They want to be accepted, told they are beautiful/hot and loved.
Early conversations and porn literacy at home and in our schools is an essential part of emotional wellness for our young people.
Download our free resource Tips for Parents. And for more information or guidance, check out our course Creating a Culture of Childhood Protection in our Shop.